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J's Mono Black
(360 Card Cube)
J's Mono Black
Art by Tony SzczudloArt by Tony Szczudlo
360 Card Cube5 followers
Designed by jaysav
Mana Pool$1518.14

Mono Black Cube, Singleton. No hybrids, no Planeswalkers (I don't like them), with a touch of colorless. Aggro, Midrange, Ramp, Zombies, Vampires, Demons, Discard, Control, Sacrifice, Reanimation and more. I update the cube as I acquire new cards through play testing and suggestions. Please draft and leave comments! Thanks for checking it out!

Designed for 8 player draft, or 2-4 player sealed.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Little buff to vampires.

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